IVR Branches Introduction


IVR (Interactive Voice Response) presents your callers with a series of options or choices through recorded menus or prompts. Each option represents a branch and based on the caller's selection, the system determines subsequent action or information the caller receives. The caller is essentially navigating through the IVR tree of options by responding or using their phone's keypad. 

Note: Don't forget to click the purple check box at the bottom right to save your changes.

Page Structure

Navigate to the IVR Branch page to manage how your callers go through your IVR branch paths. 

The IVR Branch page includes 4 columns, as follows:

  1. Column #1: Create a new branch and view your list of branches.
  • To create a new branch, click the + purple button and input the new branch’s Number, Title, and Function/type from the Function drop-down list (see IVR Functions section to learn more).
  • To configure a branch, click the desired option from the branch list and view/edit its settings in the middle column (#2) on the right.
  • To delete a branch, click the pencil edit icon above the list of branches, choose the branch you wish to delete by checking its respective checkbox, and then click the "Delete" button.
    • 🆕You can now delete multiple branches simultaneously by selecting their respective checkboxes and clicking the "Delete" button once.
Branches bulk delete
  • To find a specific branch, click the magnifying glass icon above the list of branches, enter the branch information (number, function, or name) to find a specific branch, and the list will automatically update to include matches.
  • To sort the list of branches alphabetically or numerically, click on the arrow symbols above the list of branches.

  1. Column #2: View and configure branch setup.

In this section, you define the actions in each branch. Keep in mind that the appearance of this tab changes according to the selected IVR Function, as each Function provides unique customization options.

  • To edit the branch type, click the purple button and select a different type from the drop-down options.  
  • Below the branch type purple button, you'll be able to configure the branch details when applicable. Every IVR branch has its own set of settings.

  1. Column #3: Add and manage branch recordings.
  • To add a recording your callers will hear as soon as they land on the select branch, click the + purple button and follow one of the following options:
    • Add Recording: Click this option to select a pre-recorded album from your "Library" module.
    • Add TTS: Use the TTS (Text-to-Speech) feature by entering the text you wish to convert to speech.

Note: Several IVR Functions, including those that are 'Multiple,' require greeting recording. These functions include:

  • Menu
  • Password
  • Custom Input
  • Multiple function type (such as Album Collection, Add Label, Connect, etc.)
  • Arrange the order of recordings by long-clicking the drag icon button on the top right of each recording and dragging it to the desired position. The order of your recording playback starts with the top recording playing first.
Arrange recording order
  1. Column #4: Configure IVR Branch Settings.

In this section, customize the functionality of the selected IVR branch. Specify the number of times the branch recording will repeat, the wait time for caller input, and actions in case of a 'no-route' status and invalid caller inputs. The following breakdown outlines the available settings, including the system's default configuration:

Settings Available Settings Default Settings
Repeat Enter in the "Repeat" field the desired number (0 or more) of repetitions for the IVR recording if the caller does nothing. 3 (3 times): The IVR branch recording will play 3 times.
Wait Enter in the "Wait" field the desired number of seconds (0 or more) that the IVR branch will wait for caller input. 3 (3 seconds): After the IVR branch recording completes, it'll wait 3 seconds for the caller's input.

Set what happens with the call when the IVR branch is at a 'no-route' status, including:

  • Go Back: The call will return to the beginning of the current branch.
  • Goto Branch: Choose the desired branch from the available IVR branch drop-down, and the call will be redirected there.
  • Hangup: The call will disconnect.
Hangup: Hang up the call if the IVR branch encounters a 'no-route' status.

Set what happens with the call when the caller inputs an invalid option, including:

  • Go Back: The call will return to the beginning of the current branch.
  • Play File: The system will play a recording (such as "Play try again.") or album. Select the appropriate file from the Album or Recording drop-down menus, which will appear as soon as this option is selected.
  • Goto Branch: Choose the desired branch from the available IVR branch drop-down, and the call will be redirected there.
Choose option: There is no default setup for invalid input. Select an option to define the system's response when the caller inputs an invalid option.

Default IVR Branch Settings

Edit Branch Settings
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