
This page enables you to configure your general account settings. Please ensure you understand each setting before making any changes.

  1. General Settings section:
    • Branch at Login: Choose where your account opens upon login—'Landing Box' (your designated call landing branch) or the 'Last Visited Box' (the IVR function you were last working on during your previous Voitex portal session).
    • Call Landing Branch: Set the initial IVR function for incoming calls.
    • SMS Landing Branch: Set the first SMS function for text interactions.
    • Bookmark Album: Choose the library album for custom bookmark recordings. Leave it empty to use default system recordings.
    • Bookmark Menu Audio: Select the greeting recording for the Bookmark Album.
    • Bookmark Saved Audio: Choose the recording to play when bookmarks are saved.
    • Default info album drop-down: If a caller presses '5' during a recording, the system offers various options (e.g., reset volume, increase volume). Alternatively, you can select a custom prerecorded audio file for this purpose.
    • Caller ID Display Label: To display contact names in Vloitex reports (Live, Logs, etc.), select a label from which the contact names will be sourced.
    • "Block Private Caller" checkbox: Enable this option if you want to prevent private callers (those who block their caller ID) from calling your hotline.

    • Default Temp Album: Choose the album for storing unsaved recordings due to call disconnection or missed prompts. For instance, if you record in a 'Public' branch and forget to save a recording using #3, it will be stored in the default temp album for later retrieval.
  1. Default Branch Settings section: You can configure these settings as defaults for all branches, although they can still be customized for specific branches. Please note that changes made here will only apply to newly created branches and won't affect previously configured ones. These settings include Repeat, Wait Seconds, If Valid, If No Route Found, and the default Branch to which it will route callers.
  2. EZ Telepay Recording section: Choose the album and audio recordings for each step of the payment call (e.g., Enter phone number, Enter the amount). Beneath each option, you can preview the default system recording that you will replace.
  3. Icons section:
    • Alerts: Configure where and how you want to receive alerts. Enter your email address (or multiple addresses separated by commas) to receive alerts, and choose the notifications you want to receive by toggling the corresponding buttons:
      • Daily Report: Receive a daily summary email detailing your callers and their listening activity, including the total number of calls, channels, and hits for each album.
      • Auto Rotate Report: Receive an email notification each time an Auto Rotate IVR branch is rotated.
      • Record Notifications: Receive an email notification each time a caller leaves a message in a record branch.
      • Click 'Save' to save your notification preferences.
    • Language: Manage and create languages for your account. This is an advanced feature. Contact for more information.
    • Time Slots: Use this page to manage your account's time slots, which can impact various modules. For example, in the Scheduled Broadcast module, you can exclude specific time slots (events like Yom Tov, Rosh Chodesh, etc.) when setting up broadcasts.
      • You can view your previously created time slots (title, count, action) and search for specific ones.
      • To create a new time slot, click the '+Add New' button on the top right, enter the title and dates. You can add additional dates to the time slot by clicking the 'Add a Day' button and selecting the desired date.
      • To remove a date, click the 'x' button on the right. Don't forget to hit 'Save' to save the configured time slot.
    • Google Sheet: This is an advance feature, reach out to to learn more.
    • Google Integration: This is an advance feature, reach out to to learn more.
  4. Imports/Exports banner:
    • Branch Import: Bulk import multiple branches by uploading a spreadsheet with details and specifications for Menu, Album Collection, and Switch Timer functions. Choose the branch type, upload the file, and click "import."
    • Branch Export: Download IVR function details under a selected category (e.g., 'menu') to view your branch settings.
    • Album Import: Bulk import albums (excluding recordings) by uploading a spreadsheet with details. Upload the file, and click "import."
    • Album Export: Export album details and specifications in a single Excel sheet.
    • Audio Export: Download audio specifications and details in an Excel sheet.
    • Orders Export: For Orders users, download order details in Excel format. Contact for more information.
    • Custom Input Logs: View logs of custom input branch interactions, including contact phone numbers, call dates, branch details, and input. Filter by date and export as needed.
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