
In this module you can manage your pay-related options.

Select the right sub-menu option from the following to manage your payment preferences:

EZ TelePay | Recurring Payments | Merchant Keys

Reach out to to learn about the advance sub-menu options Products, Orders, Customers, and Campaigns.

EZ TelePay

In this module, view transaction reports, set default payment settings, and manually charge cards.

  1. View payment details, search for specific phone transactions, and use filter fields with the 'Filter' button to refine results.
  2. View historical phone transaction details, including:
    • Conf #: Confirmation number.
    • Phone: The phone number the payee entered during the transaction call.
    • Real CID: Caller ID the caller was calling from.
    • Date: The date and time during which the payment attempt took place.
    • Amount: The processed amount.
    • Status: Indicates if the payment went through or not (x - declined, v - approved).
    • Method: Describes how the payment took place, such as via phone, text (SMS), Auto Renewal (Recurring), and Web Link (through a payment site).
    • Audio: If a message was recorded together with the payment call, you'll be able to play it here.
    • Notes: You can write a free note to associate it with a specific pay entry.
    • Last 4: The last 4 digits of a credit card number.
    • Action: Click the trashcan icon to delete a transaction.
  3. Export payment entries based on the current view.
  4. To charge a card, click on the card icon and complete payment information, including phone, amount, credit card number, expiration date, CVV, and ZIP code.
    • To set up recurring payments, click the "Auto Renewal" checkbox, select the recurring cadence (weekly/monthly) from the drop-down, specify the recurring amount, and click the "Charge" button to process the payment.
  5. Settings: Click the settings button in the top right corner to configure your payment settings, which include:
    • "Ask For CVV" Checkbox: If selected, the caller will be required to enter CVV. This option is checked by default.
    • "Ask For ZIP" Checkbox: If selected, the caller will be required to enter their ZIP code. This option is checked by default.
    • "Require Recording" radio button: Choose one of the following options for call recording:
      • Optional: Recording is available but not mandatory.
      • Required: Callers must leave a recorded message.
      • Not Required: Recording isn't available when this option is selected.
    • "Email" Field: Enter the email address where you wish to receive notifications for every processed transaction.
    • "Select Default Merchant Key" Dropdown: Choose the payment gateway for transaction processing. If you have multiple keys, use the main merchant key.
      • Note: This is also where you set the key for recurring payments since there's no direct option for it elsewhere.

Recurring Payments

View all recurring payment transactions, filter by transaction status (active/declined, etc.) using the status drop-down in the top right. You can also export transactions by clicking the export button and search for a specific transaction by entering a search term after clicking the magnifying glass.

Merchant Keys

On this page, you can create and view your merchant keys, which are required for processing payments.

To create a new key, click the "+Add Merchant" button at the top right and complete the required information as follows (all required except for Key 2):

  • Name field: Enter a name for future reference.
  • Select Payment Gateway drop-down: Choose the gateway associated with your payment processing account. Voitex is integrated with the following gateways:
    • PayPal
    • Stripe
    • Cardknox
    • USAePay
    • Sequel Pay
    • OJC
    • Banquest
  • Key 1 field: Paste the main merchant key generated through your payment processing account.
  • Key 2 field: If applicable, paste the secondary payment key.
  • Select Currency drop-down: Choose the currency for payment processing (ensure it's available under your payment processing account).
  • Click "Save" to save your merchant key.

Note: Additional charges of $30 apply for every added merchant key (e.g., 2 keys will cost $60 monthly, etc.).

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