
Save to albums callers' recorded content— including instructions, classes, courses, etc. Select the right record action in the action drop-down, as follows:

  • Self: For a single standard recording action.
  • Continue: Used in a series of recordings and marks to the system to compile all recording units into a single long recording. Mainly used for Survey questions, self-assessment, etc.
  • Final: Used at the end of a series of Record-Continue branches to mark the completion of the recording sequence.
    • Note: The Recording-Final branch should not include a recording.

Example of a Survey Recording branch flow:

[Record-Continue] —> [Record-Continue] —> .... —> [Record-Final]

"Self" option features overview:

  • Allow Album: When checked, callers can pick the album for their recording. The "Allow album" checkbox is typically checked to enable Admins to record content via phone and assign it to the appropriate album. Otherwise, Admins will specify the destination album for their callers' recording by selecting the right album from the "Select Album" dropdown.
  • Allow Sort: This feature relates to the Sort Number (Recording Number) within an album. Choose from the following options:
    • Yes: Admins can manually select the sort number.
    • No (default): Sort number assigned automatically.
    • Play Sort: Sort number assigned automatically and played back to the caller, primarily for Admins' reference
  • Select Album: This drop-down is visible when 'Allow Sort' is set to 'No.' In this mode, callers cannot assign an album to their recordings; instead, an admin must choose the album where the recording will be added automatically.
  • Require Verification: Check this option if you wish the admin to vet each recording before it's published to the assigned album.
  • Auto Save (Checkbox): When selected, the recording will save automatically without requiring any manual input (as described above).
  • Email Notification: If an email address is provided in the "Email" field, the admin will receive an email notification containing the new recording details (excluding the actual recording).
    • To ensure this feature functions correctly, make sure to enable Record Notifications in your Alerts preferences under Settings.
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