Custom Input

This function gathers caller information, including date, time, phone number, and input as they pass through this branch. You can receive this data via email whenever a caller goes through this branch.

"Goto/Validate" drop-down: Select how the system responds after receiving input. You can direct the caller to a single destination or, based on their input, validate and route them accordingly.

Custom Input Functions

"Goto" option: In this mode, regardless of the input, the caller will always be routed to the same branch. Here are the options:

  • "Allowed Inputs" field: Enter a value from 0 (default) to unlimited. You can also specify input requirements. For example, if you want the caller to input a 10-digit number, enter [10], or for an exact digit like '10', simply input '10'. Click the "i" icon next to the Custom Input button to see more specification options.
Input Format Example Description
Selection Range '10-250' Can input any amount starting from 10 up to 250.
Specified Only '2,5,23,108' Can input one of the specified numbers only.
Digit Count '[20]' Can input any number but must be exactly 20 digits.
Exact Digit '33' Can input only the exact number 33.

Note: You can input multiple formats by separating them with the '|' symbol. For example, if you want to allow both 'any 4 digits' and '38,42', you would enter it as '[4]|38,42'.

  • "Input Not Required" checkbox: Check this option if callers shouldn't provide any input. Admins may use this to track the number of callers passing through, etc.
  • "Alert Email (All/On Input/Never)" radio button: Choose your email notification preferences for this branch:
    • All: Select this if you want notifications every time a caller passes through, regardless of input.
    • On Input: Sends email notifications with caller input to the specified email address.
    • Never: Admin won't receive notifications when callers pass through. Enable email notifications by selecting other options.
  • "Select Goto Branch" drop-down: Choose the destination branch where the caller will be directed after the current branch.
  • "Review" Checkbox: When selected, the system will play back the input to the caller, giving them the opportunity to confirm its correctness. If it's incorrect, they will have the option to re-enter the input.
  • "Review Type" (TTS/Custom) radio button: Choose your Review type, either TTS (Text-to-Speech) or Custom, as follows:
    • "TTS" drop-down: Select from the following TTS options:
      • "TTS":
        • "Full Number": The system will read back numbers in English as words (e.g., '250' becomes 'two hundred and fifty').
        • "Dollar Amount": It will read numbers as dollars (e.g., '250' becomes 'two hundred and fifty dollars').
        • "Single Number": Numbers are read individually (e.g., '250' becomes 'two, five, zero').
        • "Variable": This option is for developer use. Contact for more details.
      • "Yiddish": Select this option to have numbers read back in Yiddish based on the configured setting.
      • "Custom": Select this option to create custom recording. For instance, you can assign '1' to mean "Starter Plan" and '2' to mean "Advance Plan." by linking the corresponding recording sort numbers from the library to the respective inputs.
    • "Custom" option: Select this option to play custom recordings both before and after the input is entered.

"Validate" Option: Functions as a menu where, depending on the input being validated, the caller will be directed to the appropriate destination or the next phase within the branch route. To add an input, click the "+Add" button located on the top right corner to input values and define where the caller goes based on their input.

  • To improve the customer experience based on their preferred language, think about adding various custom input options based on Language Route function settings. Contact for additional information.

To access Custom Input Logs, navigate to Settings and choose the 'Custom Input Logs' option on the right, select the desired log date. You can view the logs directly, or to export them in CSV format, click the export icon on the right.

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