Auto Rotate

Use this feature to automatically rotate to the next recording or album on a scheduled basis, be it daily, weekly, or any other recurring interval. This is particularly useful for accounts whose listeners are subscribed to recurring content, such as daily shiur, daily tips, weekly classes, and more.

  1. Album/Collection drop-down: Choose whether to enable auto-rotation for an album or collection. For Album Auto-Rotation:
  2. "Album" drop-down: Pick the album containing the recordings you want to auto-rotate.
  3. "Select Current" drop-down: Select the recording currently playing, so the auto-rotation will begin from the recording following it.
  4. "Skip Increment" field: Specify the number of skips/incremental rotations the system will perform each time. The default value is "1," but you can change it to, for example, "3" to skip three recordings before playing the next one in the rotation.
  5. "Continue" checkbox: Check this box if you want the caller to continue listening to additional recordings after the current one.
  6. "Rotation Cycle" drop-down: Choose the recurring cadence for rotation: Daily/Every Other Day/Weekly/Monthly.
  7. "Skip Days" drop-down: Set your preferences for skipping certain days or keeping rotation constant ("Never"). You can also select specific timeslots to skip using the timeslot dropdown.
  8. "Last Rotation" date picker: Select the date and time when the system last rotated a recording. This helps determine when the next rotation setting should take effect.
  9. "Rotate Albums" checkbox: When the album or recording collection reaches its end, enable this option and choose a new album from the dropdown for the system to continue playing.
  10. "Status" checkbox: Uncheck this box if you want to disable auto-rotation.

If you select "Collection" in the first drop-down, the rotation will occur at the album level, including several albums within the collection. You have two options:

  1. "Choose Specific/Play All" drop-down:
    • Choose "Specific," and the caller will have the ability to select a particular recording within the album that is currently being rotated.
    • Select "Play All," and the system will play all recordings within the album based on the album settings, using either the highest or lowest sort order.
  2. "Select Collection" drop-down:
    • Choose a collection of albums from the pre-populated drop-down list that you wish to rotate. Please note that you must have previously configured your album collection within the Library module.

The remaining settings are identical to those for the "Album" selection.

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