Switch Timer

This feature allows you to dynamically direct callers to specific branch routes based on either the date or the time (hour). For example, to guide callers through course start dates, providing relevant information until the courses begin and then switching them to the appropriate route.

  • Choose the type of time frame you want to set:
    • Hour: Select the start and end times.
    • Date: Choose both start and end dates, along with the corresponding times.
  • Add a pre-recorded message that provides context for the route change, such as "You've reached after-hours support." Simply click the "Add Recording" button to upload your custom recording.
  • Select the appropriate branch from the drop-down menu to route callers to during the specified timeframe.
  • If you need to create multiple timeframes, click the "+Add" button and configure the settings accordingly.

Note: You can utilize this feature to make callers listen to a greeting, like sponsored content or vital notifications, before advancing to the next step in your call route. To do so, add a greeting without any extra configuration in this branch.

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