Modify Auth

Modify Auth is an admin feature.

Use this function for password authentication or to assign contacts to labels. Once configured and accessed over the phone, the system offers administrators a range of additional options.

Available Modify Auth Branch Phone Prompts

1 Press 1 for contact labels.
2 Press 2 for passwords.

Cotact labels
1 To add a phone number, dial 1 and enter the phone number.
2 To remove a phone number, dial 2 and enter the phone number.

1 To add a password, dial 1 and enter the password.
2 To remove a password, dial 2 and enter the password.

When adding a password

Enter the goto branch number.
1 If you would like to set an expiration, dial 1.
2 Otherwise, dial 2 to save.

When choosing expiration

Enter the month and day.

Enter the year.
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