Modify Audio

Modify Audio is an admin feature.

This backend feature is designed for admins and allows them to manage audio recordings via phone. Functions include rewinding, forwarding, changing sort numbers, deleting files, transferring files between libraries, and verifying recordings before publication.

  • Select a specific album from the drop-down menu, eliminating the need to remember album numbers.

For more streamlined access, administrators can create a menu to route them to the correct album without album number memorization, as follows: [Menu Branch] ➜ [Input 1: Modify Album A, Input 2: Modify Album B...] ➜ [Selected Modify Album Branch]

  • "Modify Audio" Checkbox: Check this box to enable audio modification.
  • "Greeting Edit" Checkbox: If selected, administrators can change the greeting message. They need to know the album number they want to modify. Usually, this feature comes after a password/admin menu to ensure only administrators can use it.
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