Advanced Custom IVR Functions

The functions below are less commonly used and are typically part of a more complex system setup. For further information, please contact

  • Google Sheets Integration: The Google Sheet integration connects directly to your Voitex account, offering limitless possibilities. It can collect caller information, assign caller scores based on their input, update the spreadsheet, and affect your account setup. This integration provides you with enhanced control and a wealth of data in one easy-to-manage place. After setting up your Google Sheet to meet your requirements, you can effortlessly update and adjust the data to achieve your objectives.

  • Mask: This function lets the system identify a caller using a PIN (password) entered in this branch, rather than their caller ID. Contacts can call from any phone number by entering their contact's PIN as well as capture additional contact data after passing through this function and entering a PIN associated with their contact record.

  • Contact Data Capture: This function allows you to gather additional contact information and store it in the appropriate contact record fields, among other features.

  • Speech-to-Text (STT): This function captures speech from callers passing through this branch, converts it into text, and stores it in the appropriate contact record fields. Additionally, the recorded input in this branch can be saved as a recording in a specific album and as a playable recording file in the contact record page.
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