
Similar to the phone menu function, the Command function allows you to capture contact input and react accordingly by sending replies and directing them to the next stage in the route. For example, if a contact texts "Subscribe," the Command function will auto-reply with a subscription confirmation and move the contact to the next related SMS branch.

  • "Command" field: Enter optional keywords or phrases that customers may send to your number, such as 'Join' or 'Stop.' The following fields will allow you to specify what should happen when such a message is received by this hotline number.
  • "Goto" drop-down:
      • "Respond": This field allows you to define the system's reply for specific SMS inputs. For example, if someone texts "Yes," you can input the system's reply like, "We're thrilled to have you onboard; enjoy your plan's exclusive content." Plain text input is preferred.
      • "Goto" (Default): After receiving a command via SMS, you can specify where the contact will be routed or what the system's reply and next steps will be. To do this, select the appropriate next SMS branch from the "Select Goto Branch" dropdown.
      • "Respond & Goto" combines the first two types. When the system receives the customer's message, it responds and directs the customer to the next SMS branch. For example, if the next branch is 'notify,' you will receive an email with the contact's message as soon as it's received after the customer gets a response to their message.
      • "Respond & Land" works similarly to "Respond & Goto" with the system responding to the contact's SMS. However, it only advances to the next step in the route once the contact replies to the response in this branch. For instance, if the next branch is 'notify,' the caller will receive a response to their text immediately. The system will email their response to you only when the contact replies to the response (a second interaction).
    • Under this function, you can add multiple command options by clicking the '+Add' button at the top right.
    • To delete an option, click the trashcan icon on the right of the command field.

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