
Use this feature to gather customer information, which will then be saved in an Excel sheet.

  1. "Email" field: Enter the email address where you want to receive notifications when surveys are completed.
  2. "Reset Command" field: "Reset Command" field: Specify the command for restarting the survey. For example, if set to "Restart," texting "Restart" will begin the survey from the first question.
  3. "Email Reset" checkbox: Select to get notified via email every time a survey is restarted.
  4. "Cancel" field: Specify the command for restarting the survey.
  5. "Email Cancel" checkbox: Select this box to receive email notifications when a survey is canceled.
  6. "All/Finish/Reset/Cancel" drop-dowm: Choose which survey results to export, including all, finished, reset, or canceled surveys.
  7. Specify the date range for the results you want to export.
  8. After making your selections, click the export icon to download the survey data.
  9. "+Add" Button: Click to add more survey questions with associated fields. For each question, fill out the following fields:
  10. Title (required): Enter the question title for your reference.
  11. Text/Number: Select the expected reply input type, either text or numbers.
  12. Command: Enter the question your contact will see.
  13. Respond: Specify the response you expect from your customers. Keep in mind that the system will only accept responses that match your input here.
  14. Trashcan icon: click to delete survey question with its associated fields.
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