
The Broadcast feature allows you to send automated messages or notifications to a large group of contacts simultaneously via phone calls and SMS. Use it for important announcements, reminders, marketing, and more. You can configure settings and initiate broadcasts directly from the Broadcast page.

Note that this feature comes with an added cost, as follow:

  • Domestic (US + Canada) Rate: $0.05 per minute
  • SMS Rate: $0.03 (per 160 English characters or 70 Yiddish characters)
    • While SMS broadcasting is an effective communication method, but it can be a lengthy process. To ensure you follow all registration steps correctly, please contact for assistance.

Note: To start a broadcast, you must have a minimum credit balance of $50 available. To add credit, click the "+Add" button located to the right of your Credit balance.

The top banner on the Broadcast page provides access to your broadcast account's information, reports, and settings. Specifically:

  1. View your account details, including its activation status, the number of available broadcast ports, broadcast rates for calls and SMS, as well as your available credit funds.
  2. Click the "+Add" button to add credit funds to ensure your account is ready for broadcasting.
  3. To schedule a new broadcast, simply click the "New Broadcast" button on the left and provide the following details:
    • "New/From Previous" drop-down: Select either "New" to create a fresh broadcast from scratch or "From Previous" to use settings from a previous broadcast as a template for your upcoming message. The "From Previous" option enables you to replicate and adjust previous broadcasts for your new messages.
    • "Call/SMS" drop-down: Choose whether you want to broadcast via call or SMS.
    • For a call broadcast, configure the following settings under "Broadcast Details":
      • "Broadcast Title" field: Enter a title for the broadcast for future reference.
      • "Label" drop-down: Select the contact labels you want to broadcast to.
      • "To Start" drop-down: Choose "Now" to send the broadcast immediately upon creation, or select "Later" to schedule it for a future date using the date picker.
      • "Recording Type" Drop-down:
        • Choose "Select" to pick a specific recording from your existing albums for your broadcast by selecting the right album and recording from the respective drop-downs.
        • 🆓Choose "Upload" to add a new recording right here, saving you the trouble of managing it on your Library page. Pick the album where you want to place the recording and follow the upload options, including "Upload File" and "Text to Speech (TTS)," which work just like the recording upload choices in the Library page.
      • Before saving your broadcast by clicking the 'Save Broadcast' button, please review the agreement details carefully and check the acknowledgment checkbox to finalize the process
    • "Broadcasdt Settings" tab: After you've filled in the broadcast details, navigate to this tab and complete the following:
      • "Caller ID" field: Enter the number (any number) from which the call will be displayed to the recipient.
      • "AMD" (Answering Machine Detection) drop-down: Choose whether the system should detect if a human or voicemail answers the call and adjust the timing accordingly before playing the broadcast recording.
      • No: The system will play the recording as soon as there's any answer, be it a human or voicemail recording.
      • Yes: The system will observe and, if there's no answer after a few seconds, it will wait a bit longer to detect the voicemail box and leave a message with the recording.
      • "Phone Type" checkbox options: Select "Home" or "Mobile" if you want to send the broadcast message specifically to either home phone numbers or mobile numbers. If none is selected, it will be sent to all phone numbers associated with the contacts under the labels you selected.
      • "Retries" field: Enter the number of times the system should attempt to connect if the call is busy or doesn't go through. The default is 0, which means the system won't retry.
      • "Retry Wait Sec" field: Enter the number of seconds you want the system to wait between retry attempts.
      • "Connect to Number" drop-down: Choose the input number that will connect the call to one of your IVR branches. For example, if you want to allow call receivers to donate, you can say "Press 1 to donate," and if the caller presses 1, it will direct them to the donate branch.
      • "Enter call number" field: Enter the hotline number to which you want the caller to connect once they press the number you've selected in the "Connect to Number" drop-down.
      • "PTC Route" drop-down: Choose from your hotline IVR branches the branch to which the contact will be directed when they press the number you've selected in the "Connect to Number" field.
      • Note: When your contact is redirected to a branch as part of the broadcast activity, you will continue to incur charges based on the broadcast metered rates.
      • "Allow DNC" drop-down: Use this option to allow your contacts to place their number on the Do Not Contact list for your hotline, essentially unsubscribing from future broadcast messages. Select "Yes" if you want to enable this feature. Your contacts will need to press "9" (be sure to include this instruction in your broadcast recording).
      • "DNC Labels" drop-down: Choose specific labels to exclude certain contacts from this broadcast, typically those who have opted out of your hotline broadcasts.
      • "DNC Save" Drop-down: Choose the label under which unsubscribed contacts should be stored.
      • "Ports" field: Specify the number of concurrent broadcasts to be sent simultaneously. This should be configured in the backend and we recommend not editing it. Contact for more information.
      • "Confirmation" field: If you want to receive a confirmation call when your broadcast is successfully published, enter the phone number where you wish to be notified.
    • For an SMS broadcas, enter the appropriate details under the "Broadcast Details" tab in the same manner you would configure a call broadcast. The only difference is that for SMS, you'll be entering the SMS message you wish to broadcast. Once done, you'll head over the Broadcast Settings tab which contains some of the settings available for a call broadcast.
  4. "Transactions" button: Click to access a report detailing your broadcast-related charges, including the date, amount, and number of broadcasts. You can also download the report by clicking the export button in the top right corner and search for specific charges using the search icon on the left.
  5. "Reports" button: Click here to access the broadcast activity report, which includes ID, Broadcast Name, Follower Groups (labels), Date Added, Status, Cost, and Actions. You can also download a detailed view of your broadcast activity and search for specific broadcasts using the search icon.
  6. "Broadcast Schedule": To schedule a recurring broadcast, click the timer icon at the top right and select the "Add Schedules" button on the top right. Once clicked, you'll see the same settings as when creating a regular broadcast, with additional options for specifying the repeating schedule, as follows:
    • "Status On/Off" drop-down: To deactivate a recurring broadcast, change the default option "On" to "Off."
    • "Cycle": Select the recurring schedule based on your preference:
      • Daily: Choose this option to schedule a daily broadcast. You can specify specific days to skip the broadcast.
      • Weekly: Select this option to schedule a weekly broadcast. Pick the day of the week you want the broadcast to run.
      • Monthly: Select this option for a monthly broadcast. Choose the "To Be Sent" date of each month using the date picker.
    • "Time Slot" drop-down: Choose the time slots, as defined in your settings, to exclude the broadcast from being sent. These time slots could include Jewish holidays, etc.
    • "Time" field: Specify the time when you want the broadcast to be sent.
    • In addition to scheduling a broadcast, you can also view the broadcasts scheduled under your account. This includes details such as Title, Caller ID, Cycle, To Be Sent (Date and Time), and actions like Edit or Delete. You can also search for a specific schedule.
  7. Settings: Click here to adjust your general broadcast preferences. These preferences serve as defaults but can be modified for specific broadcasts.

Note that when broadcasting via phone or SMS, the system will follow to default settings configured here. Settings such as "AMD" through "PTC" are consistent with individual broadcast settings outlined above.

  • Here are the details for the specific Broadcast General Settings:
    • "Default Album" drop-down: Select the album from which you want to choose recordings for the broadcast.
    • "Window" fields: Specify the time range during which you prefer your broadcasts not to be sent (start and end times). These settings apply universally, as customization on an individual broadcast level is not possible. If a broadcast is marked as "In Window," it means it cannot be sent during the specified time range.
    • "DNC Core" button at the bottom left: Use this feature to exclude specific phone numbers, such as emergency or Hatzolah numbers, from receiving broadcasts. To enter the phone number, click the "+Add Phone" button, enter the phone number you wish to exclude, and click "Save." You will also be able to view the list of phone numbers included in your DNC Core list.
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