
The Conference module includes several menu options, which are: Conference Rooms | Live Confrence | Conference Schedules. Additionally, in this section, we will provide information about the various phone prompts available for Conference Rooms.

Conference Rooms

This page allows you to create and manage conference rooms along with their details in a table, edit or delete existing conference rooms, and more. After creating a conference room, it's crucial to assign it to the appropriate IVR Conference branch. With your account, you could run multiple conference rooms simultaneously.

  1. "+Add Conference Room" button: Click to create a conference room and enter the appropriate conference room details in the sliding right panel, as follows:
    • "Room Number" field (required): Enter a unique room number for future reference.
    • "Room Name" field (required): Enter a unique room name for future reference.
    • Recording section:
      • "Start on Moderator Entry" checkbox: Check this box if you want the conference recording to begin automatically when the moderator enters the conference. Otherwise, you can start recording by dialing "#" + "8" over the phone.
      • "Stop on Moderator Leave" checkbox: Check this box if you want the conference recording to end automatically when the moderator leaves the conference. Otherwise, you can manually stop the recording by dialing "#" + "8" over the phone.
      • NOTE: To ensure proper saving of your recording, please ensure there is only one moderator at a time.
      • "Select Record Album" drop-down: Choose the album in which you want to save the conference recording.
    • Mute Settings Section:
      • "Mute Default" radio-button: Choose "Yes" if you want participants to be muted automatically upon entry. You can also set this as the default via phone (see Prompts Table below).
      • "Unmute" radio-button: Select one of the options below based on your preference:
        • Approval: Participants can unmute themselves after you approve it.
        • Allow: Participants can unmute themselves without any prior approval.
        • Not allow: Participants won't be able to unmute themselves.
    • General Settings section:
      • "Music On Hold" checkbox: Check this box to play music on hold for participants until the moderator joins.
      • "Announce Number" checkbox: Check this box to announce the number of participants in the conference when they join.
      • "Max Participants" field: Specify the maximum number of conference participants (excluding the moderator) by entering a number. For example, entering "3" allows up to 3 participants in addition to the moderator, totaling 4 members.
      • "Select Sub Conference Rooms" drop-down: Choose your sub-conference room from the prepopulated list of conference rooms.
    • Sound Settings section: After creating the album with the associastd recordings under the library, select the right recording for each of the following conference stages:
      • "Select Sounds Album" drop-down: Choose the album where you've stored the conference room sound recordings.
      • "Select Hold Sounds" drop-down: Pick the recording for the on-hold sound.
      • "Select Close Sounds" drop-down: Choose the recording for when the conference completes.
      • "Select Muted Sound" drop-down: Select the recording for when a participant is muted.
      • "Select Unmuted Sound" drop-down: Choose the recording for when a participant is unmuted.
    • After making your selections, click the "Submit" button to save your conference room settings.
  2. Conference Room details table: View the details of your conference rooms, including room number and name. To find a specific room, click the magnifying glass icon at the top and enter the room's identifying information.
  3. To edit conference room settings and specifications, click the edit pencil button on the right.
  4. To delete a conference room, click the trashcan button on the right.

Note that all conference room actions can be done during the conference via phone, as outlined in Prompts Table below.

Conference Room Phone Prompts Options

Press "#" during the conference, and then select the following prompt based on the desired outcome (outlined in the right column):

Moderator Prompts

1 Total participants
2 Unmute raised hands
3 Mute a participant
4 Start playing a file
5 Stop playing a file
6 Mute/unmute all participants – 1. Mute all 2. Unmute all 3. Mute all and set 4. Unmute all and set
7 Change room mute options
8 Record options: 7. Start/resume 9. Stop (then press 1 to save/pause)
9 Close room

Participants Prompts

Press * and then:

1 Mute/unmute: raise/lower hand (depends on room settings)
9 Exit conference

Live Conference

View your live (active) conference room(s) and manage them directly on this page as follows:

  1. The default view displays ongoing (live) conference rooms. To view all active (available) conference rooms, click the "Show All" toggle button.
  2. To view and manage conference rooms, click on the appropriate live conference room section/tile.
  3. Click the conference rooms view you prefer — grid or tiles (default view).

Control the conference room you choose, as follows:

  1. In the conference rooms drop-down, select the conference room you want to manage, or switch to a different room.
  2. Check the number of moderators who have joined the conference. "0" indicates no moderators.
  3. The participants tile shows the number of participants. Use the green mic icon to unmute all participants or the purple mute icon to mute all.
  4. Click the 'x' button to remove all participants from the call.
  5. Review moderator information and click 'x' to remove a moderator from the conference.
  6. See the list of participants with their names, phone numbers, call duration, and take actions like muting/unmuting or kicking out specific participants using the 'x' button.
  7. Click the refresh icon to update the page with the latest data.
  8. Click the pencil icon in the top right to adjust or override conference room settings.

Conference Schedules

Use this feature to schedule conferences and play prerecorded content automatically.

  • In the "Grid" view, you can see your scheduled conferences, including the scheduled time, conference room, the recording that will play, and actions like editing or deleting. You can also search for a specific conference.
  • To schedule a conference, follow these steps:
    • Click the "+Add Conference Schedule" button.
    • Select a conference room from the "Select Conference Room" drop-down.
    • Choose the album from the "Select Album" drop-down where the recording is stored.
    • Pick the specific recording from the "Select Audio" drop-down that participants will listen to.
    • Use the "Schedule Time date and time picker" to select the date and time when the scheduled conference should start.
    • Click the "Save" button to save your scheduled conference.
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