Playback Options

Playback Options

* Go back to previous menu
# Next recording
0 Previous recording
1 Rewind 15 seconds
2 Pause/Resume
3 Forward 15 seconds
4 Rewind 1 minute
5 More options
6 Forward 1 minute
  • Followed by "1" to access Bookmark (make sure to have a bookmark branch where callers will be able to go on from where they left off)
  • Followed by "2" for your liked files options
  • Followed by "3" for your playlist options
9 Forward 5 minutes
25 Play how long recording is
50 Enter admin pin and delete recording (set admin pin in the album first)
51 Lower volume
52 Reset volume
53 Increase volume
54 Delete recording (only if the album’s settings has ‘allow delete’ set to 'on')
55 Skip recordings until the next date
56 Skip 10 recordings
57 Slow down recording to 0.5x speed
58 Reset speed
59 Fast play recording at 1.5x speed
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