July 2024 Release Notes

Together with our recent rebrand, we’re happy to announce the new feature release packed with upgrades and new functionalities. Read on to learn more about what’s new in the Voitex portal.


  1. Bulk Edit Options: You can now edit or delete multiple IVR branches or contact labels simultaneously, instead of manually adjusting each one. You can also bulk select voicemails instead of checking each individually.
  2. TTS (Text To Speech) Feature
    • Support for Special Characters: TTS now supports special characters such as apostrophes , etc.
    • Custom TTS Voice: Select your preferred voice talent for your TTS recording. Choose between male or female as well as voice styles. Once selected, play to test how your preferred voice will sound to your callers.

  3. Recording Options:
    • Save Recording After Set Amount of Silence: Users can now set the system to automatically save a recording after a specified number of seconds of silence, even if the caller forgets to hit the pound button upon completion.
    • Save Recording While Skipping the Confirmation Message: Admins can choose to set the system to skip straight to saving the recording, bypassing the default confirmation message and caller options.
  4. Contacts Module: 
    • Customizable Contacts Table View: You can now customize the contacts table view, including the data points featured in each column.
    • Studio View - Inline Editing: Allows you to edit entries inline, bypassing the need to edit each entry manually.

    • Send Notification: Specify contacts to be notified via text or call. The call notification can direct contacts to a specific IVR branch for a more detailed path.

  1. Additional Enhancements: 
    • You can now record on the library page too.
    • The telepay report now includes the IVR branch where the payment was processed.
    • More control when using the Live module – you can now kick off specific caller(s).
    • Determine the playback language for numbers as part of the payment details playback. You can now choose Yiddish in the pay branch global settings to playback the inputted numbers, without needing to custom load recordings for each .


  1. Live Dashboard: Our intuitive PBX live dashboard gives you visibility into your live call activity, including details about incoming, connected, and missed calls.
    1. Screen Recording
  2. Flexible Phone Recording Options: View, listen, and manage your phone recordings with ease. 
  3. Account Notifications: Admins will receive notifications when removing or adding DIDs to an account.


  1. Flexible Channel Usage Date Range: You can now select a date range to show channel usage.

Other updates:

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