SMS Branch Overview

The 'SMS Branch' module is like IVR phone branch routes, but for creating SMS text flows.

There are several SMS branch functions, as follows:

Command | Add Label | Broadcast SMS | Label | Notify | Pay SMS | Remove Label | Switch Timer | Survey

For advance SMS branch functions, reach out to to learn more.

API | Contact Data | Mask

Before we detail each function, the below applies to all SMS functions:

In the 'If Not Route Found' drop-down menu, you can define what should occur when an incoming text message doesn't match any of the current SMS branch commands. The available options include:

  • Respond: The system will send a predefined response to the sender.
  • Goto: The system will direct the message to another specified location or branch.
  • Respond & Goto: A combination of both responding with a predefined message and directing the message to another branch.
  • Respond & Land: Works similarly to "Respond & Goto" with the system responding to the contact's SMS. However, it only advances to the next step in the route once the contact replies to the response in this branch.

Note: To activate SMS branches, ensure your hotline number is SMS-enabled by clicking the chat icon located on the right of your hotline number in the dashboard. Also, select the SMS landing branch from the 'Settings' dropdown after creating an SMS branch; unlike IVR, SMS doesn't have a default landing branch

To create a new SMS branch, click the purple '+' button on the left, provide a title for the branch, select the desired function, and then click 'Save'. Review the following function options to select the appropriate one. Similar to IVR Phone Branches, you can edit, sort, search for, delete, and bulk delete SMS branches by clicking the edit pencil button and more.

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