IVR Branches Overview

Our system provides a variety of IVR functions, ranging from basic to advanced hotline requirements, organized into these groups:

Group Plug-and-Play Functions Admin Functions Advanced Custom Functions Developer Functions
Description Ready-to-use IVR functions for common hotline needs. Account management and report retrieval by phone, bypassing the need for portal access. Tailored IVR solutions to meet specific requirements. Advanced tools for customization and integration with developer-level control.
  • Google sheet
  • Mask
  • Contact Data
  • Speech to Text (STT)
  • Trigger
  • Content
  • Webhook
  • Custom Route

While your portal features a different order of IVR Functions, in this guide, we'll begin by discussing the first group, which includes the most basic and commonly used features. After that, we'll cover the other groups of functions.

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